version of the Double Standard Scale (SDSS) is presented to assess the
subjective perception of society's support for the Sexual Double Standard
(SDS), a hetero-referred measure
(SDSS-H). We examined its psychometric
properties in a sample of Spanish heterosexual population of 1206 individuals (50% men), distributed across
three groups (aged 18-34, 35-49, and 50 years, or older). We performed exploratory
and confirmatory factor analyses. The found version consists of 18 items
distributed into three factors (Acceptance for Male Sexual Shyness, Acceptance
for Female Sexual Freedom and Acceptance for Traditional Double Standard). A
second-order factor structure was also adequate. Internal consistency, temporal
stability and validity evidence are reported. This version of the SDSS is
reliable and valid, and it assesses the perception of the societal sexual
double standard. Its usefulness to improve the predictive validity of
standardized scales that evaluate individual adhesion to SDS is discussed.
This study was funded through a research project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant number PSI2014-25035-R].