Mimulus_geographic_range_size 12-4-14.txt (7.19 kB)

Data on geographical range size and climatic niche variables for 72 species of western North American Mimulus

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Version 3 2014-12-04, 15:55
Version 2 2014-12-04, 15:55
Version 1 2014-06-12, 19:27
posted on 2014-12-04, 15:55 authored by Seema ShethSeema Sheth, Amy Angert

This file contains all variables used in Fig. 2b of “Identifying the paths leading to variation in geographical range size in western North American monkeyflowers” by Sheth et al. 2014 in Journal of Biogeography. Please see publication for more details.

NOTE (4 December 2014): The original file that was uploaded included incorrect estimates of extent of occurrence, number of pixels occupied, latitudinal extent, and longitudinal extent for Mimulus clevelandii. The file uploaded on 4 December 2014 has been updated to correct estimates of these variables for M. clevelandii. Please note that incorrect estimates for extent of occurrence, latitudinal extent, and longitudinal extent were used for M. clevelandii in all analyses in Sheth et al. 2014, but regression and path coefficients based on the correct estimates change only slightly. Please contact S. Sheth ( for corrected tables and figures.

The columns are as follows:

species: species of Mimulus

extent_of_occurrence: geographic range size measured by minimum convex polygon (in units of kilometers squared) encompassing the occurrence points of each species

number_of_pixels_occupied: number of 5-arc minute pixels in which each species is known to occur

latitudinal_extent: latitudinal extent (in decimal degrees) encompassed by the occurrence points of each species

longitudinal_extent: longitudinal extent (in decimal degrees) encompassed by the occurrence points of each species

niche_breadth: multivariate climatic niche breadth of each species

niche_position: multivariate climatic niche position of each species

amount_of_suitable_habitat: number of 5-arc minute pixels defined as climatically suitable for each species

connectivity: connectivity of climatically suitable habitat (in km multiplied by -1)

occupancy_of_suitable_habitat: number of climatically suitable grid cells in which each species is known to occur (number_of_pixels_occupied/amount_of_suitable_habitat)


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