6 files

Data from: Optimizing release strategies for red king crab stock enhancement: effects of release timing

posted on 2024-03-07, 17:54 authored by LongLong, Peter Cummiskey, Benjamin Daly

This dataset is a supplement to the paper: Long, W.C., Daly, B.J., Cummiskey, P.A., 2024. Optimizing release strategies for red king crab stock enhancement: Effects of release timing. Fisheries Research 274, 106975. The published paper contains a full description of the experimental design and sampling protocols and this data set can only be interpreted in light of the information presented there. Following is a list of the spreadsheets and metadata for individual columns:

Common to many sheets: These columns are used in multiple sheets.

Date- date of observation in mm/dd/yyyy format

Plot- Alphabetical character designating a single experimental plot

Treatment- Release month of crabs for the particular plot. Control plots did not have any crab released in them.

I/O- Designates whether the observation was made inside a plot (I) or outside along the edge of a plot (O)

Depth- Depth in feet at the time of observation (yes, I know it’s not SI but it’s what our US made dive gauges read in so you get the raw data!)

Crab_CW.csv: This sheet contains measurements of crabs for each release and experiment

Event- We released crabs at 3 time periods (Release 1-3) and did 3 tethering experiments (Tethering 1-3).

CW- The carapace width of each crab (including spines) in millimeters

Quadrate_Counts.csv: This sheet contains data on red king crab counts in quadrats

Cover- the estimated percent cover of structure forming biota (primarily macroalgae) in the quadrat

RKC- the number of year-0 red king crab juveniles found in the quadrat

Quadrate_Preds.csv: This sheet contains the counts of potential predators in quadrat counts. This is the data as analyzed; each row represents the sum of individuals counted in 3 replicate quadrates inside or outside a plot on a single day. Species encountered are indicated to the lowest taxonomic level possible as column headers. Hermit crabs were the only composite species group; see paper for details.

Substrate.csv: This sheet contains data on substrate in each plot recorded once per plot during the season. Substrate types are indicated as column labels and numbers are the estimated percent cover of each. Rock, gravel, shell, sand, and mud sum to 100%.

Tethering.csv: This sheet contains observations on tethered crabs in plots.

Date deployed- the date (dd/mm/yyyy) the crabs were initially deployed

Time deployed- the time (local, Alaska Daylight Time, 24h format) the crabs were initial deployed

Number out- the number of crabs tethered in each plot

First check time- the time (local, Alaska Daylight Time, 24h format) crabs were checked- this is on the same day as deployment

First check number- the number of crabs still alive and on their tethered (not eaten or molted) at the first check

2nd check time- the time (local, Alaska Daylight Time, 24h format) crabs were checked- this is on the day after deployment

2nd check number- the number of crabs still alive and on their tethered (not eaten or molted) at the second check

Notes- Important notes on molting and tether failures

Quadrate_Preds.csv: This sheet contains the counts of potential predators in transects. Species encountered are indicated to the lowest taxonomic level possible as column headers. Sculpins (Cottoidea spp.) were separated into adults and juveniles.


NMFS Office of Science and Technology, Aquaculture Program


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