4 files

Data from: Off-nest behaviour in a biparentally incubating shorebird depends on sex, time of a day, and weather

posted on 2014-11-21, 16:09 authored by Martin BullaMartin Bulla, Elias Stich, Mihai Valcu, Bart Kempenaers

Description of datasets from the manuscript

“Off-nest behaviour in a biparentally incubating shorebird depends on sex, time of a day, and weather”

by Bulla M, Stich E, Valcu M, and Kempenaers B

submitted to IBIS.


Questions can be directed to: Martin Bulla (


Data collection and how the individual variables and datasets were derived is described in the paper.
Data are available as five text files.
Missing values are NA.
Values are separated by semi-colon.



Bulla M, Stich E, Valcu M, and Kempenaers B (in review). Off-nest behaviour in a biparentally incubating shorebird depends on sex, time of a day, and weather.


Bulla M, Stich E, Valcu M, and Kempenaers B. 2014. Data from: Off-nest behaviour in a biparentally incubating shorebird depends on sex, time of a day, and weather.
Available at:


The R-script is available from:
Bulla M, Stich E, Valcu M, and Kempenaers B. 2014. R-script from: Off-nest behaviour in a biparentally incubating shorebird depends on sex, time of a day, and weather.
Available at:


Annotations of data-files
A) 2011_off_nest.txt
-- contains raw data used to calculate the observation means and summaries
1. datetime_: date and time of each 30s observation
2. inc_start_j: a day within the breeding season when the birds at a given nest initiated the incubation (1 is June 1, 2011)
3. day: a day of incubation (1 is the first day of incubation in a given nest)
4. day_se: a day of breeding season(1 is June 1, 2011)
5. nest: unique identity of the nest
6. ID: unique identity of the bird
7. sex: sex of the bird (f = female, m = male)
8. session: unique identity of the observation session
9. behavior: categories of observed behaviour: 0 - unobservabel (out of sight), wf - water feeding, gf - ground feeding, w - walking, i - interacting, mb - motor boat display, f - flying, p - preening, s - sleeping, r - resting
10. distm: off-nest distance (of the observed bird) from the nest in m
11. lat_n: latitude coordinate of the nest location
12. lon_n: longitude coordinate of the nest location
13. lat: latitude coordinate of the off-nest location of the observed bird
14. lon: longitude coordinate of the off-nest location of the observed bird
15. culmen: of the observed individual (in mm)
16. totalHead: of the observed individual (in mm)
17. tarsus: of the observed individual (in mm)
18. wing: of the observed individual (in mm)
19. weight: of the observed individual (in g)
20. t_tundra_avg: 30 s mean tundra temperature (in °C)
21. wind_sp: 30 s mean wind speed (in m/s)
22. time_off: time (in min) since the observed individual left its nest
23. author: observer (A or B)


B) 2011_off_nest_mean.txt
-- contains data used in the off-nest distance and behaviour models
1. nest: unique identity of the nest
2. ID: unique identity of the bird
3. sex: sex of the bird (f = female, m = male)
4. session: unique identity of the observation session
5. datetime_: date and time of the beggining of the observation session
6. inc_start_j: a day within the breeding season when the birds at a given nest initiated the incubation (1 is June 1, 2011)
7. day: a day of incubation (1 is the first day of incubation in a given nest)
8. day_se: a day of breeding season(1 is June 1, 2011)
9. time: time of day in hours
10. f_count: count of 30s observations (within observation session) with feeding
11. no: count of 30s observations (within observation session) without feeding
12. n: number of 30s within observation session
13. distm: mean off-nest distance (of the observed bird) from the nest in m
14. lat_n: latitude coordinate of the nest location
15. lon_n: longitude coordinate of the nest location
16. lat: mean latitude coordinate of the off-nest location of the observed bird
17. lon: mean longitude coordinate of the off-nest location of the observed bird
18. culmen: of the observed individual (in mm)
19. totalHead: of the observed individual (in mm)
20. tarsus: of the observed individual (in mm)
21. wing: of the observed individual (in mm)
22. weight: of the observed individual (in g)
23. t_tundra: mean tundra temperature of the observation session (in °C)
24. wind_sp: mean wind speed of the observation session (in m/s)
25. time_off: time (in min) since the observed individual left its nest
26. bout_length: length of off-duty bout in hours
27. bout_after: length of the following incubation bout in hours
28. author: observer (A or B)


C) pooping.txt
-- contains data on defecation
1. ID: unique identity of the bird
2. sex: sex of the incubating bird (f = female, m = male)
3. datetime_: date and time when observation started
4. day: a day of breeding season (1 is July 1, 2013)
5. m_n_: day (between 1200 and 1900 hours) or night (between 0000 and 0600 hours)
6. first poop: time span from the inititation of observation until he first poop (in minutes)
7. time_total: length of observation session (in minutes)
8. time_unknown: time (in minutes) within observation session, for which the defecation was unobservable
9. seen: effective observation time (time_total minus time_unknown)
10. t_tundra: mean tundra temperature (in °C) for 30 min prior to observation (i.e., for time span between datetime_ and datetime_ - 30 min)
11. wind_speed: mean wind speed (m/s) for 30 min prior to observation (i.e., for time span between datetime_ and datetime_ - 30 min)
12. lat: latitude coordinate of the observation location
13. lon: longitude coordinate of the observation location


D) 2011_envi_10min_mean.txt
-- contains data used to discribe the change of tundra temperature and wind speed over the 2011 breeding season
1. dateime_10m: date and time when the 10 min started
2. time: in hours
3. day: a day of breeding season (1 is June 1)
4. t_tundra: 10 min mean tundra temperature (in °C)
5. wind_sp: 10 min mean wind speed (in m/s)


