metadata_gastrulation.txt (32 kB)
20190114 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog.lif (5.08 GB)
20190115 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog 1.lif (5.96 GB)
20190115 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog 1.lif_Data.mat (1.67 MB)
20190115 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog 2.lif (6.21 GB)
20190115 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog 2.lif_Data.mat (1.95 MB)
20190116 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog:+ 1.lif (6.21 GB)
20190116 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog:+ 1.lif_Data.mat (1.2 MB)
20190116 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog:+ 2.lif (5.17 GB)
20190116 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog:+ 2.lif_Data.mat (1.18 MB)
20190118 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog.lif (8.16 GB)
20190118 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog.lif_Data.mat (1.06 MB)
20190121 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog.lif_Data.mat (1.56 MB)
20190123 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog:+.lif_Data.mat (1.8 MB)
20190114 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog.lif_Data.mat (927.43 kB)
20190121 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog.lif (7.57 GB)
20190123 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP,m5m8peveMS2LacZ, Fog:+.lif (6.59 GB)
20190310 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP, m5m8peveMS2lacZ, atubG4, ctaRi 2.lif_Data.mat (4.39 MB)
20190310 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP, m5m8peveMS2lacZ, atubG4, ctaRi 2.lif (7 GB)
20190311 hisRFP, nosMCPGFP, m5m8peveMS2lacZ, atubG4, ctaRi 2.lif (8.35 GB)
247 files

MS2 data from "Notch-dependent and -independent transcription are modulated by tissue movements at gastrulation"

Version 46 2022-05-11, 21:27
Version 45 2022-05-03, 20:18
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Version 43 2022-05-03, 19:48
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Version 33 2022-05-03, 04:42
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Version 28 2022-05-03, 00:13
Version 27 2022-05-02, 23:30
posted on 2022-05-11, 21:27 authored by Julia Falo SanjuanJulia Falo Sanjuan, Sarah J. Bray

MS2 data from "Levels of Notch-regulated transcription are modulated by tissue movements at gastrulation":

- raw MS2 Live imaging movies: 123 '.lif' files captured in a Leica SP8 confocal. Each is a 1-2h movie of a developing fly embryo in the genetic condition described in the file name. The metadata file contains the information linking each movie with parameters used for image analysis and identifier of the genetic condition ("nickname" column).

- data obtained from image analysis: 123 '.mat' files obtained from MATLAB after image analysis for each movie. README contains information of the data structure and all variables stored in each.

- numerical data used for figures: text files containing data points used in all figures in the paper. "NumericalData.txt" contains the information about each plot, axes, figure where it's used and name of the file containing the numerical data.


Deciphering Notch signalling dynamics in vivo

Wellcome Trust

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Medical Research Council

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Cambridge, Developmental Mechanisms.

Wellcome Trust

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