Vigues-et-al-Ecosphere-Data.ods (266.15 kB)

Data for Vigues et al. 2022 Ecosphere 13:e4140 doi:10.1002/ecs2.4140

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Version 4 2023-04-01, 13:02
Version 3 2023-04-01, 13:00
Version 2 2023-04-01, 12:59
Version 1 2022-04-26, 05:00
posted on 2023-04-01, 13:02 authored by Jan Vigues, Karin Norén, Caitlin Wilkinsson, Marianne StoesselMarianne Stoessel, Anders Angerbjörn, Fredrik DalerumFredrik Dalerum

Data for Vigues et al. 2022. Abundance, predation and habitat associations of lemming winter nests in northern Sweden. Ecosphere, 13:e4140.

Data include count data for all triangles, lemming nests and associated environmental data as well as perpendicular distances used for distance based density estimations.


Oscar and Lili Lamm Memorial Foundation (FO2018-0022)

Wildlife Management Fund (802-0199-18)

Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

WWF Sweden

Fjällräven International AB

EU Interreg Felles Nord II (20203530)
