4 files

Data for "Conservative and disruptive modes of adolescent change in human brain functional connectivity"

posted on 2020-01-26, 18:56 authored by František VášaFrantišek Váša, Rafael Romero GarciaRafael Romero Garcia, Manfred G. Kitzbichler, Jakob SeidlitzJakob Seidlitz, Kirstie WhitakerKirstie Whitaker, Matilde Vaghi, Prantik Kundu, Ameera X. Patel, Peter FonagyPeter Fonagy, Raymond J. Dolan, Peter B. Jones, Ian M. Goodyer, NSPN Consortium, Petra VertesPetra Vertes, Edward T. Bullmore
This dataset contains data which accompanies the paper "Conservative and disruptive modes of adolescent change in human brain functional connectivity" by František Váša, Rafael Romero-Garcia, Manfred G. Kitzbichler, Jakob Seidlitz, Kirstie J. Whitaker, Matilde M. Vaghi, Prantik Kundu, Ameera X. Patel, Peter Fonagy, Raymond J. Dolan, Peter B. Jones, Ian M. Goodyer, the NSPN Consortium, Petra E. Vértes* and Edward T. Bullmore* (2020).

This dataset contains four RData files.

Three of these are "specific" files containing fMRI functional connectivity (FC) matrices and participant demographics (which are specific to data denoising / analysis stream):

(i) main analysis: nspn.fmri.main.RData
(ii) low-motion data: nspn.fmri.lowmot.RData
(iii) global signal regression (GSR): nspn.fmri.gsr.RData

Each of the three specific files contains the following variables:
"age" (participant ages)
"fc" (functional connectivity matrices)
"fd" (average frame-wise displacement)
"id" (subject ID's)
"sex" (participant sex)
"site" (MRI scanner site).

There is an additional single "general" file containing important auxiliary variables: nspn.fmri.general.vars.RData.

The general file contains the following variables:
"" (cortical maps used for relationships with maturational index)
"nm" (region names - all 376 regions)
"" (regional permutation ID's for spherical permutation [spin] test)
"pos" (regional centroid coordinates)
"" (names of external cortical maps [in variable])
"hcp.346.cort" (which of 346 retained regions are cortical)
"hcp.346.subc" (which of 346 retained regions are subcortical)
"" (which regions [in 1:376 = all cortical + all subcortical] are dropouts)
"" (which regions [in 1:376 = all cortical + all subcortical] are retained)
"nm.simple" (region names - "simple" format)
"nm.subc" (subcortical names - single hemisphere, for subcortical plots)
"nroi" (number of regions of interest, after dropout exclusion)
"" (id's of von economo classes, with subcortex [all 376 regions])
"" (id's of yeo networks, with subcortex [all 376 regions]).

For further details regarding variables contained within these files, and for code used to perform analyses reported in the paper, please see the accompanying github code repository: and specifically the main analysis script - "nspn.fmri.R".


This study was supported by the Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network Wellcome Trust Strategic Award 095844/Z/11/Z (to the 627 University of Cambridge and University College London). Additional support was provided by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Center. F.V. was supported by the Gates Cambridge Trust and by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust, and King’s College London. K.J.W. and P.E.V. are Fellows of the Alan Turing Institute funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant EP/N510129/1. P.F. is an NIHR Senior Investigator (Grant NF-SI-0514-10157) and was in part supported by the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care North Thames at Barts Health NHS Trust. P.E.V. was supported by Medical Research Council (MRC) Grant MR/K020706/1 and is a Fellow of MQ: Transforming Mental Health (Grant MQF17/24). E.T.B. is an NIHR Senior Investigator. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care.


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