3 files

Data for 'Comparing patterns of hurricane washover into built and unbuilt environments'

This data accompanies the article 'Comparing patterns of hurricane washover into built and unbuilt environments’ by Lazarus et al., (2021).

This repository contains csv files for the physical parameters of both unbuilt and built coastal sediment deposits along the east and gulf coasts of the USA. The deposits were digitised from NOAA post-storm imagery (National Geodetic Survey, 2020) and the hurricanes used are Irene(2011), Sandy (2012), Matthew (2016), Nate (2017) and Michael (2018). Building footprints ( were intersected with a bounding box around the digitised built deposits, whilst streets ( were clipped by the deposit extent. Two csv files, unbuilt and built, provide the raw data extracted from the respective shapefiles.

The unbuilt_deposits.csv has 7 columns:

1) source hurricane

2) object ID - for respective hurricane

3) length (m)

4) perimeter (m)

5) area (m2)

6) calculated ideal perimeter

7) distortion index (DI)

The built_deposits.csv has 11 columns:

1) source hurricane

2) object ID - for respective hurricane

3) length (m)

4) perimeter (m)

5) area (m2)

6) ideal perimeter

7) distortion index (DI)

8) bounding box area (m2)

9) building area (m2)

10) built fraction

11) street length (m)

This repository also contains model results from a simplified numerical model of washover deposition into a generic built environment (

The DIDX_built_modeldata.csv has seven columns:

1) deposit length (units L)

2) perimeter (L)
3) area (L^2)
4) ideal perimeter (as a function of area; L)
5) distortion index (L/L)
6) built fraction (L^2/L^2)
7) breach depth (as proportion of barrier height; L/L)


The Leverhulme Trust RPG-2018-282 (Lazarus and Goldstein)

DoD R0011836623

DARPA HR001118200064
