10 files

Data associated with Sauve et al. Journal of Avian Biology

posted on 2023-01-03, 16:50 authored by Drew SauveDrew Sauve
Data associated with Sauve et al. Ecological Monographs Submission

Four growth datasets are included
AlphaUnfedDat - Mass and age measurements for first-hatched black-legged kittiwake chicks
BetaUnfedDat - Mass and age measurements for second-hatched black-legged kittiwake chicks
GullDat - Mass and age measurements for second-hatched glaucous-winged gull chicks
MurreDat - Mass and age measurements for murre chicks

Six environmental datasets
SST100 - Average sea-surface temperature in 100km radius around Middleton Island for kittiwakes
MiddletonTemp - Air temperature from weather station on Middleton Island for kittiwakes and gulls
SST50 - Average sea-surface temperature in 50km radius around Middleton Island for gulls

SST60 - Average sea-surface temperature in 60km radius around Coats Island for murres
ICE60 - Average ice-cover in a 60km radius around Coats Island for murres
CoralHarbourTemp - Air temperature from weather station on CoralHarbour for murres
