3 files

Data and R code for "Dolphin social phenotypes vary in response to food availability but not the North Atlantic Oscillation index"

posted on 2023-09-19, 13:41 authored by David FisherDavid Fisher, Barbara Cheney

Two text files containing data and one .R file with R code. These files are sufficient to recreate the analysis found in the manuscript "Dolphin social phenotypes vary in response to food availability but not atmospheric conditions", published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

In brief, the data are based on regular observations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off the north east coast of Scotland between 1990 and 2021 inclusive. Regular observations of dolphins co-occurring in groups allowed us to infer social associations and to build social networks. We built social networks for each month and each year there were sufficient observations. From each network we calculated three social network measures (strength, weighted clustering coefficient, and closeness) and we then analyses how these traits vary at both the yearly and monthly scale in response to variation in the North Atlantic Oscillation index and to salmon abundance (data obtained from other sources).

"Dol Soc by Env Yearly data PPB.txt" is the data frame for the yearly scale analysis, with network metrics per individual per year and environmental variables per year. Columns are:

dol_name - the unique ID of the dolphin

year - the year of observation

sex - sex of the dolphin, 1 = male, 2 = female

year_nao - the north atlantic oscillation index record for that year

year_fish - the yearly salmon abudance measure

indiv_str - the individual's strength in that year

indiv_cc - the individual's weighted lcustering coefficient in that year

indiv_close - the individual's closeness in that year

" Dol Soc by Env Monthly data PPB.txt" is the data frame for the monthly scale analysis, with network metrics per individual per month and environmental variables per month. Columns are:

dol_name - the unique ID of the dolphin

year - the year of observation

month - the month of observation, coded numerically i.e., April = 4

sex - sex of the dolphin, 1 = male, 2 = female

month_year_nao - the north atlantic oscillation index record for that month

month_year_fish - the monthly salmon abudance measure

indiv_str - the individual's strength in that month

indiv_cc - the individual's weighted lcustering coefficient in that month

indiv_close - the individual's closeness in that month

"Fisher & Cheney code Dol Soc by Env PPB.R" is the R code file to recreate the analyses found in the manuscript (a series of mixed-effect models). Note requires loading the packages "glmmTMB" and "car" so they must be installed first. Additionally, you will need to save the following R script: and refer to it with the source() command to enable the calculation of conditional repeatabilities.


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