Data_Sheet_1_Dynamic Oscillations Evoked by Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation.pdf (15.04 MB)

Data_Sheet_1_Dynamic Oscillations Evoked by Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation.pdf

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posted on 2022-02-23, 04:54 authored by Vineet Tiruvadi, Ki Sueng Choi, Robert E. Gross, Robert Butera, Viktor Jirsa, Helen Mayberg

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of subcallosal cingulate white matter (SCCwm) alleviates symptoms of depression, but its mechanistic effects on brain dynamics remain unclear. In this study we used novel intracranial recordings (LFP) in n = 6 depressed patients stimulated with DBS around the SCCwm target, observing a novel dynamic oscillation (DOs). We confirm that DOs in the LFP are of neural origin and consistently evoked within certain patients. We then characterize the frequency and dynamics of DOs, observing significant variability in DO behavior across patients. Under the hypothesis that LFP-DOs reflect network engagement, we characterize the white matter tracts associated with LFP-DO observations and report a preliminary observation of DO-like activity measured in a single patient's electroencephalography (dEEG). These results support further study of DOs as an objective signal for mechanistic study and connectomics guided DBS.
