6 files

Data: Exploration of Phrasal Verbs in Bangladeshi Lower Secondary ELT Textbooks (Grade 6&7)

posted on 2021-08-15, 10:57 authored by Naywaz Sharif ShubhaNaywaz Sharif Shubha
This is the supplementary material to the research paper that has been done with the lower secondary ELT textbooks of Bangladesh, where the Phrasal Verbs have been investigated and their representation in those textbook. The findings in those Text books have been then compared to the two most Mega Corpus of the English Language, BNC and COCA, and further have been compared to the famous research of Liu (2011) and PHaVE List (2014). Phrasal Verbs are considered one of the necessary components in Second Language Acquisition, and a lot of research has been done in the field of the current topic. But no other research has been found till now on the topic and related issues in the Bangladeshi contexts, especially focusing on lower secondary level. This would be the first one to investigate such issue with corpus linguistic approach in Bangladeshi Textbooks.


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