DataSheet_1_Geometric parameters that affect the behavior of logic-gated CAR T cells.pdf (1.05 MB)

DataSheet_1_Geometric parameters that affect the behavior of logic-gated CAR T cells.pdf

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posted on 2024-01-26, 04:06 authored by Alexander C. Partin, Richele Bruno, Sanam Shafaattalab, Erica Vander Mause, Aaron Winters, Mark Daris, Casey Gahrs, Claudia A. Jette, Breanna DiAndreth, Mark L. Sandberg, Agnes E. Hamburger, Alexander Kamb, Timothy P. Riley

Clinical applications of CAR-T cells are limited by the scarcity of tumor-specific targets and are often afflicted with the same on-target/off-tumor toxicities that plague other cancer treatments. A new promising strategy to enforce tumor selectivity is the use of logic-gated, two-receptor systems. One well-described application is termed Tmod™, which originally utilized a blocking inhibitory receptor directed towards HLA-I target antigens to create a protective NOT gate. Here we show that the function of Tmod blockers targeting non-HLA-I antigens is dependent on the height of the blocker antigen and is generally compatible with small, membrane-proximal targets. We compensate for this apparent limitation by incorporating modular hinge units to artificially extend or retract the ligand-binding domains relative to the effector cell surface, thereby modulating Tmod activator and blocker function. By accounting for structural differences between activator and blocker targets, we developed a set of simple geometric parameters for Tmod receptor design that enables targeting of blocker antigens beyond HLA-I, thereby broadening the applications of logic-gated cell therapies.
