Figures and accompanying data for Rivera-Valentin et al. (2020) Nature Astronomy, doi: 10.1038/s41550-020-1080-9. All data is provided as .mat files, which are in the binary data container format that the MATLAB program uses. This file type is also readable by Python. The data files includes '_arrays', which contain the information for the x and y axis of the figures, and '_matrix', which contains the information for the z-axis component of the figures, which are shown in color.
%%% Figure1.mat
This file includes:
Temperature_array = The information for the x-axis. Temperature is in units of Kelvin. This array contains 100 values.
WaterVaporPressure_array = The information for the y-axis. Water vapor pressure is in units of Pascals. This array contains 100 values.
WaterActivity_matrix = The information for the x axis. This matrix is a 100 x 100 matrix. Rows correspond to water vapor pressure and columns to temperature.
Temperature_array = The information for the x-axis. Temperature is in units of Kelvin. This array contains 151 values.
WaterVaporPressure_array = The information for the y-axis. Water vapor pressure is in units of Pascals. This array contains 11 values.
logfrequency_matrix = The information for the z-axis. This is a 11x151 maxtrix. Values are log10 of total amount of hours the specific water vapor pressure and temperature combination occurs on Mars, as simulated by MarsWRF using a 5°x5° map.
All other .mat files, for Figures 2, 3, and Extended Data Figure 4, include:
Latitude_array = Information for the y-axis. Latitude is from -60° to 60°. This is an array with 25 values.
Longitude_array = Information for the x-axis. Longitude is from -180° to 180°. This is an array with 72 values.
Data_Matrix = Information for the z-axis, which in the Figures are shown in color. These matrices are 25x72 with columns corresponding to longitude and rows to latitude.