Table 2.xls (9.5 kB)

Cohort characteristics.

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posted on 2023-11-30, 19:13 authored by Harris Héritier, Chloé Allémann, Oleksandr Balakiriev, Victor Boulanger, Sean F. Carroll, Noé Froidevaux, Germain Hugon, Yannis Jaquet, Djilani Kebaili, Sandra Riccardi, Geneviève Rousseau-Leupin, Rahel M. Salathé, Talia Salzmann, Rohan Singh, Laura Symul, Elif Ugurlu-Baud, Peter de Verteuil, Marcel Salathé

For each section, the table shows percentages per section and cohort, and absolute numbers in parentheses. Household income is monthly in Swiss Francs (CHF), which is roughly in parity with USD.
