Table 2.xls (9.5 kB)

Characterization of the participants included in the study of Mass Gathering Events (MGEs) from January 1 to June 31, 2020, Borriana.

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posted on 2021-08-26, 17:46 authored by Salvador Domènech-Montoliu, Maria Rosario Pac-Sa, Paula Vidal-Utrillas, Marta Latorre-Poveda, Alba Del Rio-González, Sara Ferrando-Rubert, Gema Ferrer-Abad, Manuel Sánchez-Urbano, Laura Aparisi-Esteve, Gema Badenes-Marques, Belén Cervera-Ferrer, Ursula Clerig-Arnau, Claudia Dols-Bernad, Maria Fontal-Carcel, Lorna Gomez-Lanas, David Jovani-Sales, Maria Carmen León-Domingo, Maria Dolores Llopico-Vilanova, Mercedes Moros-Blasco, Cristina Notari-Rodríguez, Raquel Ruíz-Puig, Sonia Valls-López, Alberto Arnedo-Pena

Characterization of the participants included in the study of Mass Gathering Events (MGEs) from January 1 to June 31, 2020, Borriana.
