4 files

Carbon flux and environmental parameters data from an eddy covariance tower in a mid-succession ecosystem developed on abandoned karst grassland in Slovenia (2012-2019)

posted on 2020-06-21, 03:20 authored by Koffi Dodji NoumonviKoffi Dodji Noumonvi, Klemen Eler, Dominik Vodnik, Primož Simončič, Mitja Ferlan

This data set was used to estimate carbon fluxes by comparing eddy covariance tower (Long = 13.916701, Lat = 45.543491) measurements with vegetation indices based estimates.

The data set includes all data required to :

- Perform empirical regression of GPP (gross primary production) or NEE (Net ecosystem exchange) with vegetation indices,

- Apply the vegetation photosynthesis model, which is a light use efficiency model.

This data set includes 4 files, which are 2 *.csv files and 2 *.txt files. The *.csv files have the actual data in tabular format, and the *.txt files, named in the same way as the *.csv files with a prefix "parameters _ metadata", have a complete description of each variable found in the *.csv file, including their units.

The first *csv file "1.Halfmonthly_fluxes_vegetation_indices.csv" contains half-monthly aggregated fluxes, environmental parameters and vegetation indices from 2012 to 2019. The variables included in the file are: date, NEE, GPP, Reco, Rg, Tair_midday, Tair, VPD, EVI, SAVI, LSWI, NDVI, GNDVI; and their meanings can be found in the corresponding *.txt file "1.parameters_metadata_Halfmonthly_fluxes_vegetation_indices.txt".

The second *.csv file "2.Halfhourly_LUEmax_calculation_data_2019.csv" contains half-hourly fluxes and environmental parameters for the year 2019, needed to calculate LUE_max, further used in the VPM model. The variables included in the file are: time, incPPFD, bcPPFD_1, bcPPFD_2, naPPFD, frac_grass, frac_trees, frac, VPD, GPP, SWC, Rg, PAR, APAR, uncloudy; and their meanings can be found in the corresponding *.txt file "2.parameters_metadata_Halfhourly_LUEmax_calculation_data_2019.txt".

About the authors of this data set,

The original data set was collected by Mitja Ferlan, Klemen Eler, Dominik Vodnik and Primož Simončič. However, the processed data, object of this publication was prepared by Koffi Dodji Noumonvi and Mitja Ferlan.

P.S. This data set is a research data, that can be used to reproduce the methodology applied in the paper (in review at the moment of publishing this data).


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