Differentiation tree (Gordon, 1999) of Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematode, roundworm) embryo up to 10 division events. Data from lineage trees and fate maps of Sulston and Horvitz (1977) and Hobert (2010). Division event timing approximated from Bhatla (2016). Cell size information approximated from Bao et.al (2006).
A division event occurs when a mother cell divides into two daughter cells. In rare instances, a mother cell only produces a single daughter cell. In this case, no size information is available for the daughter cell. According to the differentiation tree convention, smaller cells are placed to the left and larger cells are placed to the right.
Each cell is annotated with its standard nomenclature and a decimal value that describes the relative size of each daughter cell (e.g. smaller cell is 0.49, larger cell is 0.51).
Bao, Z.R.; Murray, J.I.; Boyle, T.; Ooi, S.L.; Sandel, M.J.; Waterston, R.H. 2006. Automated cell lineage tracing in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, 2707-2712.
Bhatla, N. 2016. C. elegans Cell Lineage. WormWeb, http://wormweb.org/celllineage Accessed on 2/12/2016.
Hobert O. 2010. Neurogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. WormBook, doi:10.1895/ wormbook.1.12.2.
Sulston, J.E. and Horvitz, H.R. 1977. Post-embryonic cell lineages of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Developmental Biology, 56, 110-156.