7 files

CAB-NP projected on MNI2009a GM (volumetric) in NIfTI format

posted on 2022-03-15, 14:21 authored by Salima SmineSalima Smine, Pierre OrbanPierre Orban
We provide volumetric versions of the Cole-Anticevic Brain-wide Network Partition (CAB-NP) published by Ji, Spronk, Kulkarni, Repovs, Anticevic, & Cole (2019, Mapping the human brain's cortical-subcortical functional network organization. NeuroImage, 185, 35–57).
The original whole-brain parcellation with 12 distributed networks is available as cortical surface and subcortical volume data combined in CIFTI format. CAB-NP cortical surfaces were first projected onto fsaverage space using Katherine Mill’s approach (, then converted to volumetric MNI space (ICBM 152 2009a NLIN) using Andreas Horn’s procedure ( Both tight and liberal volumetric versions are provided, with the 12 networks including both cortical and subcortical regions.
