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Behavior variations and their implications for popularity promotions: From elites to mass in Weibo

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posted on 2020-04-20, 11:24 authored by Jichang ZhaoJichang Zhao
1. The data set comes from our paper titled “Behavior variations and their implications for popularity promotions: From elites to mass in Weibo”, which can be cited as:

Bowen Shi, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao.
Behavior variations and their implications for popularity promotions: From elites to mass in Weibo. arXiv:2004.05591, 2020.

2. Due to privacy consideration regarding users in our dataset, we have deleted the user names and IDs, and all target users have posted at least twice.

3. The eight files correspond to society, international, sports, technology, entertainment, finance, military and all domains respectively. The five attributes correspond to elite label, verified type, retweeter count, sum of weights in network and frequency of tweeting. Note that the values of verified type ranging from -1 to 3 refer to ordinary, celebrity , government, enterprise and media.

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