Table 1.xls (5.5 kB)

Average performance displayed in terms of PPV and sensitivity.

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posted on 2022-08-26, 18:02 authored by Vaitea Opuu, Nono S. C. Merleau, Vincent Messow, Matteo Smerlak

The metrics were first averaged at fixed sequence length, limiting the over-representation of shorter sequences. The first two rows show the average performance for all the sequences for each method. The bottom two rows correspond to the performances for the sequences of length ≤ 200 nucleotides. For the ML and MFE only one prediction per sequence and for RAFFT 50 predictions per sequence were used. Here RAFFT (respectively RAFFT*) refers to the case when the lowest free energy (resp. highest PPV) from the ensemble of 50 predictions is selected.
