2 files

Australasia Killer whale mtDNA and SNP data

Version 4 2021-07-30, 00:27
Version 3 2021-06-16, 05:00
Version 2 2021-04-20, 05:24
Version 1 2021-04-20, 04:56
posted on 2021-06-16, 05:00 authored by Isabella ReevesIsabella Reeves
There are two files here.

File titled "AustralasiaCRhaplotypesMMSCI5041.fasta" is based on killer whale haplotypes found in Reeves et al. in review. They were generated based on a 434bp fragment of the mtDNA control region.

The file "OrcaCleanFinal.vcf" represent samples used in neutral SNP dataset. Please note related and duplicate samples are present in the file.

For all files refer to Supplementary Table S6 for sample details in the Marine Mammal Science Manuscript 5041, by Reeves et al. in review.


DEW awarded NRM RAIN scholarship to I. Reeves to partially fund this project, and CETREC WA funded WA fieldwork seasons from 2013-2019.
