16 files

Arctic cyclones have become more intense and longer-lived over the past seven decades

posted on 2023-09-25, 03:17 authored by Xiangdong ZhangXiangdong Zhang, Han Tang, Jing Zhang, John E. Walsh, Erika L. Roesler, Benjamin Hillman, Thomas Ballinger, Wilbert Weijer

Datasets created and used for the paper:

Zhang, X., Tang, H, Zhang, J., Walsh, J. E., Roesler, E. L., Hillman, B., Ballinger, T. J. & Weijer, W. Arctic cyclones have become more intense and longer-lived over the past seven decades. Commun. Earth Environ. (2023).

EnCAI-Jan1950-Dec2021.txt: Monthly Energy-based Arctic Cyclone Activity (EnCAI) Index from January 1950 – December 2021.

Count_SLP_Bins_Winter.dat: The Arctic cyclone count anomalies for winter (October – March) from 1950/51 – 2020/21.

Count_SLP_Bins_Summer.dat: The Arctic cyclone count anomalies for summer (April – September) from 1950 – 2021.

Duration_SLP_Bins_Winter.dat: The Arctic cyclone duration anomalies for winter (October – March) from 1950/51 – 2020/21.

Duration_SLP_Bins_Summer.dat: The Arctic cyclone duration anomalies for summer (April – September) from 1950 – 2021.

Freq_Winter_1985-86-2020_21.dat: Spatial frequencies of strong cyclones during winter (October – March) from 1985/86 – 2020/21.

Freq_Winter_1950-51-1984-85.dat: Spatial frequencies of strong cyclones during winter (October – March) from 1950/51 – 1984/85.

Freq_Winter_Diff.dat: Differences of the spatial frequencies of winter strong cyclones between 1985/86 – 2020/21 and 1950/51 - 1984/85.

Freq_Summer_1986-2021.dat: Spatial frequencies of strong cyclones during summer (April - September) from 1986 – 2021.

Freq_Summer_1950-1985.dat: Spatial frequencies of strong cyclones during summer (April - September) from 1950 – 1985.
Freq_Summer_Diff.dat: Differences of the spatial frequencies of summer strong cyclones between 1986 – 2021 and 1950 - 1985. Climatological mean Maximum Eady Growth Rate (EGR) for winter (October - March) from 1950/51 - 1984/85 and from 1985/86 - 2020/21; Climatological mean Maximum Eady Growth Rate (EGR) for summer (April - September) from 1950 - 1985 and from 1986 - 2021; Differences of winter and summer EGRs between the two multidecadal time periods. Climatological mean 500 hPa Goepotential Height (GHT) for winter (October - March) from 1950/51 - 1984/85 and from 1985/86 - 2020/21; Climatological mean 500 hPa Goepotential Height (GHT) for summer (April - September) from 1950 - 1985 and from 1986 - 2021; Differences of winter and summer 500 hPa GHTs between the two multidecadal time periods. The same as, but for 300 hPa. The same as, but for 50 hPa. Climatological mean 300 hPa Geopotential Vorticity (PV) for winter (October - March) from 1950/51 - 1984/85 and from 1985/86 - 2020/21; Climatological mean 300 hPa Goepotential Vorticity (PV) for summer (April - September) from 1950 - 1985 and from 1986 - 2021; Differences of winter and summer 300 hPa PVs between the two multidecadal time periods.

Note: the data files ending with "txt" and "dat" are in ascii format and with "nc" are in NetCDF format.


DOE grant DE-SC0020640

ONR grant N00014-21-1-2577

ONR grant N00014-18-1-2216

NOAA’s Cooperative Agreement NA19NES4320002


DOE’s HiLAT- RASM project
