pgen.1009737.s014.xlsx (229.45 kB)

Analysis of pSer2 Pol2 occupation DESeq2 results by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis.

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posted on 2021-08-10, 17:32 authored by Benjamin P. Flynn, Matthew T. Birnie, Yvonne M. Kershaw, Audrys G. Pauza, Sohyoung Kim, Songjoon Baek, Mark F. Rogers, Alex R. Paterson, Diana A. Stavreva, David Murphy, Gordon L. Hager, Stafford L. Lightman, Becky L. Conway-Campbell

Within tab “Raw data”, describes DESeq2 fold change and p-value results used for Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Columns describe Ensemble gene ID (A, B) and gene name (C) as well as log fold change, log2 fold change, p-value and adjusted p-value for PEAK_140 (D-G), NADIR_180 (H-K), CONS_140 (L-O) and CONS_140 (P-S) comparisons to VEH. Within tab “IPA results–pathway Z scores”, describes Ingenuity Pathway Analysis z-scores for each pathway. Columns describe pathway (A) and the z-score in response to PEAK_140 (B), NADIR_180 (C), CONS_140 (D) and CONS_180 (E) compared to VEH. Within tab “Heatmap Z scores”, describes the results used to plot Fig 4A, 4B and 4C. Columns describe pathway (A) and the z-score in response to PEAK_140 (B), NADIR_180 (C), CONS_140 (D) and CONS_180 (E) in comparison to VEH. Within tab “IPA results–sig. gene”, describes differentially enriched genes known to either ‘activate’ or ‘inhibit’ pathways visualised in Fig 4A–4C. Columns describe pathway (A), the differentially regulated gene name (B) and the log2 fold change in response to PEAK_140 (C), NADIR_180 (D), CONS_140 (E) and CONS_180 (F) in comparison to VEH. Genes are labelled as either known to be activatory (Act) or inhibitory (Inh) (G) within that pathway.

