2 files

Analysis of motor unit spike trains estimated from high-density surface electromyography is highly reliable across operators

posted on 2021-02-16, 07:36 authored by Francois HugFrancois Hug, Simon avrillon, Alessandro Del Vecchio, Andrea Casolo, Jaime Ibáñez, Stefano Nuccio, Julien Rossato, Aleš Holobar, Dario Farina
This repository contains all the raw HD-EMG data, the extracted and the manually edited motor unit spike trains

Francois Hug (



This compressed file contains the raw HDsEMG signals and the motor unit spike trains identified by the automatic decomposition algorithm.
Motor units were identified using the DEMUSE tool (v5.01; The University of Maribor, Slovenia)


List of "muscle": GM (Gastrocnemius medialis), GL (Gastrocnemius lateralis), TA (Tibialis anterior)
List of "contraction_intensity": 10 (10% Maximal voluntary contraction), 30 (30% Maximal voluntary contraction), 50 (50% Maximal voluntary contraction), 70 (70% Maximal voluntary contraction)

These files can be opened with Matlab (Mathworks) or the DEMUSE tool.

VARIABLES (only the variables used in the manuscript are described below) :

- DecompRuns: number of decomposition runs (50)

- discardChannelsVec: discarded channels for the 13*5 EMG grid (ELSCH064NM2, SpesMedica, Battipaglia). "1" means that the channnel has been discarded due to noise/artifacts. Note that one electrode was absent on a corner [1,1].

- fsamp: sampling rate

- IED: inter-electrode distance 

- IPTs: Innervation Pulse Train (IPT, i.e. train of motor unit discharge times as estimated by the gCKC decomposition technique

- MUPulses (1*number of motor units array). For each identified units, there is a vector of motor units discharge times (in datapoint).

- PNR: Pulse-to-noise ratio for each identified MU

- ref_signal: force signal (not calibrated)

- SIG (13*5 cell array): raw EMG signal organised on a 13*5 cell array. Each cell corresponds to an EMG channel.

- SIGlength: duration of the signal in seconds



This compressed file contains the the motor unit spike trains manually edited by each of the 8 operators.
Motor units were analysed using the DEMUSE tool (The University of Maribor, Slovenia) using the approach described in the associated manuscript.


op: operator, numbering is the same as that used in Table 1 of the associated manuscript
List of "muscle": GM (Gastrocnemius medialis), GL (Gastrocnemius lateralis), TA (Tibialis anterior)
List of "contraction_intensity": 10 (10% Maximal voluntary contraction), 30 or 35 (30% or 35% Maximal voluntary contraction), 50 (50% Maximal voluntary contraction), 70 (70% Maximal voluntary contraction)

These files can be opened with Matlab (Mathworks) or the DEMUSE tool.

VARIABLES (only the variables used in the manuscript are described below) :

- DecompRuns: number of decomposition runs (50)

- discardChannelsVec: discarded channels for the 13*5 EMG grid (ELSCH064NM2, SpesMedica, Battipaglia). "1" means that the channnel has been discarded due to noise/artifacts. Note that one electrode was absent on a corner [1,1].

- fsamp: sampling rate

- IED: inter-electrode distance 

- IPTs: Innervation Pulse Train (IPT, i.e. train of motor unit discharge times as estimated by the gCKC decomposition technique

- MUPulses (1*number of motor units array). For each identified units, there is a vector of motor units discharge times (in datapoint). These data have been manually edited by the operators.

- PNR: Pulse-to-noise ratio for each identified MU

- ref_signal: force signal (not calibrated)

- SIG (13*5 cell array): raw EMG signal organised on a 13*5 cell array. Each cell corresponds to an EMG channel.

- SIGlength: duration of the signal in seconds


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