76 files

An Event Related Brain Potential (ERP) study of Complex Anaphora in Spanish

posted on 2021-03-04, 19:18 authored by Adrián García-Sierra, Juan Silva-PereyraJuan Silva-Pereyra, Graciela Catalina Alatorre-Cruz, Noelle Wig
This study examines the event- related brain potential (ERP) of 25 Mexican monolingual Spanish-speakers when reading Spanish sentences with single entity anaphora or complex anaphora. Complex anaphora is an expression that refer to propositions, states, facts or events while, a single entity anaphora is an expression that refers back to a concrete object. Here we compare the cognitive cost in processing a single entity anaphora (ésta feminine; La renuncia [resignation) from a complex anaphora (esto neuter; La renuncia fue aceptada [The resignation was accepted]).
