The file contains the complete set of cleaned all hazards situation reports
ics209-plus_sitreps_1999to2020.csv and files containing deleted sitreps delineated by version (hist1/hist2/curr)
The file contains all wildfire output files including daily situation reports, the wildfire incident summary table, and the ICS-209-Plus complex associations table.
and the wildfire spatiotemporal linkage files at the county, tract, and census block group (cbg) levels, plus files containing deleted sitreps delineated by version (hist1/hist2/curr)
The file contains all the yearly raw database tables and associated input files needed to run the cleaning algorithm found here:
Code needed to generate the spatiotemporal linkage found here:
The file contains detailed field definitions and fill rates for the Daily Incident Status (sitrep), Wildfire Incident Summary, ICS-209-PLUS Complex Associations Table, as well column definitions for the spatiotemporal linkage and Lookup Table Values.
Funding for the ICS-209-PLUS Dataset was provided through the University of Colorado Boulder’s Grand Challenge Initiative and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES).
Funding for the ICS-209-PLUS spatiotemporal linkage was supported with funding from the National Science Foundation Sociology Program award number 2001261. It was further supported by the National Science Foundation Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences (HEGS) and Sociology Programs through award number 2117405.