2 files

Algae Growth in Recycled Cultivation Water: Database for Meta-analysis

Version 2 2017-03-18, 19:19
Version 1 2017-03-18, 18:59
posted on 2017-03-18, 19:19 authored by Sarah LoftusSarah Loftus, Zackary Johnson
This dataset includes information and extracted data from 86 previously published studies that experimented with algae growth in recycled cultivation water. The Data Extraction Protocol includes descriptions of all variables (column headers) and how each variable was collected/measured/decided, if applicable. 

For more information, please see the publication & additional supplementary information that accompanies this dataset. Please cite this publication if using the dataset, since it describes how the dataset was created.

Loftus, S.E. and Johnson, Z.I. "Cross-study analysis of factors affecting algae cultivation in recycled medium," Algal Research Volume 24 Part A, pp 154-166 (2017).


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No (1644868) to SEL and the Department of Energy (DE-EE0007091) to ZIJ.
