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Additional file 10 of Multi-omics integration identifies key upstream regulators of pathomechanisms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to truncating MYBPC3 mutations

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posted on 2021-03-25, 08:38 authored by J. Pei, M. Schuldt, E. Nagyova, Z. Gu, S. el Bouhaddani, L. Yiangou, M. Jansen, J. J. A. Calis, L. M. Dorsch, C. Snijders Blok, N. A. M. van den Dungen, N. Lansu, B. J. Boukens, I. R. Efimov, M. Michels, M. C. Verhaar, R. de Weger, A. Vink, F. G. van Steenbeek, A. F. Baas, R. P. Davis, H. W. Uh, D. W. D. Kuster, C. Cheng, M. Mokry, J. van der Velden, F. W. Asselbergs, M. Harakalova
Additional file 10: Table S2 (A) Differentially acetylated regions between HCM and control hearts from the H3K27ac ChIP-seq data. (B) Genes annotated to differentially acetylated regions using the 5 kb window of the transcription start site. (C) Genes annotated to differentially acetylated regions using the 50 kb window of the transcription start site. (D) Enriched GO terms and pathways by genes annotated to the hyperacetylated regions (50 kb window). (E) Enriched GO terms and pathways by genes annotated to the hypoacetylated regions (50 kb window)


The Netherlands Foundation for Cardiovascular Excellence NWO VENI grant NWO VIDI grant ZonMW-NWO VICI grant Erasmus MC fellowship grant RM fellowship grant of the UMC Utrecht Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital research funding Netherlands Cardiovascular Research Initiative: An initiative with the support of the Dutch Heart Foundation UCL Hospitals NIHR Biomedical Research Centre H2020 European Research Council


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