ABSTRACT Yamamoto & Ismailov CIES 2022.pdf (159.51 kB)

Inclusive Pedagogy for Globalizing Higher Education: Evidence from Primary Qualitative Research on English-medium University Practices [Expanded Abstract]

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Version 2 2022-04-20, 07:39
Version 1 2022-04-20, 07:38
conference contribution
posted on 2022-04-20, 07:39 authored by Murod IsmailovMurod Ismailov, Yukiko Yamamaoto


A recent global survey of 907 higher education institutions from 126 countries has revealed that internationalization is becoming more common around the world (Marinoni, 2019), as more universities especially in non-English speaking countries prioritize the implementation of tertiary programs offered in English (Dearden, 2015; Ismailov el al, 2021). However, attending an English-medium course may be quite challenging and present many obstacles for learners with diverse needs and expectations. 

Inclusive pedagogy, which is sometimes referred to as a student-centered approach, is a well-established learning theory within higher education research. It acknowledges students’ diverse needs, abilities, and individual preferences for constructing knowledge (Baeten 2012). Inclusive pedagogy emphasizes the importance of teacher-learner reciprocity, active learning, meaningful feedback, and/or an intellectual challenge, as students are the facilitator of the learning activities (Garrett, 2008; Ramsden, 2003; Schweisfurt, 2015). Thus, teachers have a special role to play in encouraging critical thinking, stimulating students’ motivation, and promoting autonomy (Jacobs, 2016; Ramsden,2003; Schwisfurth, 2015). Although this learning theory has been applied to many educational practices, to date, it has not been thoroughly addressed in the context of internationalization. Furthermore, a holistic approach to exploring factors that make the English-medium classrooms inclusive is still absent, as previous research has focused on specific pedagogical interventions within specific geographic, disciplinary, or institutional contexts. For these reasons, this research attempts to fill this gap by connecting the insights from multiple studies. 

The purpose of this study is to find a comprehensive picture of practice in English medium courses at universities in non-English speaking countries through the lens of inclusive pedagogy. 


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
