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Residual Decomposition and Statistical Analyses of DSD, PS, and MGF Data

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Version 3 2024-01-14, 22:35
Version 2 2024-01-14, 22:31
Version 1 2023-12-13, 03:55
posted on 2024-01-14, 22:35 authored by Tommy LiuTommy Liu, Amanda Barnard, ZhiYang Tho

This artefact contains three folders:

- Data: The .csv file of the three datasets used for experimentation: Dilute Solute, Metallic Glass, and Perovskite Stability

- Statistical: Contains the .R files used for the statistical analysis of each of the three datasets, contains visual .html files for easy visualisation of the results

- Machine Learning: Contains the ipython notebooks and corresponding .html files for visualising results. Includes the open-source residual decomposition artefact along with the Linear regression and Random forest residual decompositions of the datasets (excluding Perovskite since it is too large)

To generate new Residual decompositions see documentation at and the residual file in this artefact

Additional supplementary results and analyses which have not been included in the main paper can be found in the .html files and can be opened using any browser.
