
Psychology of Language Teaching: A Brief Review with Sample Studies

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Version 7 2022-04-07, 18:23
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Version 4 2020-10-27, 16:25
posted on 2022-04-07, 18:23 authored by Farshad GhasemiFarshad Ghasemi

The scope and purpose of educational processes have been heavily modified under the influence of psychological breakthroughs and their developmental perspectives in recent decades. This book is an attempt to address some of the key psychological aspects in the literature classified into emotional, cognitive, and psychological perspectives with a particular concentration on language teaching. By presenting detailed empirical studies on the covered topics, I attempted to indicate the intertwined relationships between language and psychology in educational settings. The first study deals with the impact of teacher-directed hypnotic suggestion on students’ emotional intelligence and their academic performance. The second study introduces simplified tests to coordinate the helpless attitudes of the students. In the last research, I examined the interaction effects of the contextual factors and teachers’ professional profiles on their cognitive orientations with a specific focus on teachers’ dissonance belief systems. Overall, this book provides an overview of the functions and influences of the psychological concepts in educational contexts, particularly language teaching.
