2020 Bilingual Education in Indonesia = A Call for Its Reimplementation in the National Context - Masduqi & Subiyanto.pdf (1.92 MB)

Bilingual Education in Indonesia: A Call for Its Reimplementation in the National Context

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posted on 2020-11-30, 07:59 authored by Harits MasduqiHarits Masduqi
This paper proposes new ways of reimplementing a form of bilingual education in Indonesia. Bilingual education was once implemented at international standard schools in Indonesia but failed for some reasons. The authors propose a more suitable form of bilingual education in Indonesia based on language acquisition theories which suggest that bilingual education should be developed on the basis of content-based instruction focusing on visual and physical ways of teaching. In this respect, physical education and arts should be prioritised over mathematics, ICT, and science subjects.
