
File(s) not publicly available

Version 3 2020-02-18, 08:27
Version 2 2020-02-18, 08:24
Version 1 2020-02-18, 08:23
posted on 2020-02-18, 08:24 authored by Kirstin HolsmanKirstin Holsman
Multispecies Assessment model runs for the Eastern Bering Sea (run with trophic interactions). More information available at:

Three files included to support Rcode for
Holsman et al. Ecosystem-based fisheries management forestalls climate-driven collapse. Nature Climate Change (in review).

Code available at:

## Input data:
If running plotting code below (recommended) you will need to download the intermediate data "EBM_ceattlenew.Rdata" from figshare and place it in the main directory: "EBM_Holsman_NatComm/EBM_ceattlenew.Rdata".

If re-running the intermediate data analysis (not recommended) the following files will need to be downloaded unzipped and placed in the asssesment_files folder:
EBM_Holsman_NatComm/data/runs/[ files]

## Intermediate data:
Intermediate data can be found in the main EBM_Holsman_NatComm in the form of .Rdata files but can be recreated from the ADMB model using the EBM_Holsman_NatComm/assessment_scripts/README_EBM_Holsman_Analysis.pdf (not recommended; see below).

## Figures and tables:
Final figures and tables (including illustrator files that were used to add fish icons) can be found in the **Figures** folder.

This is the main script for running analysis and plotting results and requires R version 3.5.3 (available at To update the analysis using .Rdata outputs run the R() code below as is currently configured. If you want to update the intermediate data, set "readdat" to TRUE in line 80 below. The CEATTLE stock assessment is also included but requires AD Model builder ( To run the assessment scripts (not recommended or tested outside of macOSX) see "README_EBM_Holsman_Analysis.pdf".


NOAA IEA program

Multiple NOAA National Marine Fisheries programs provided support for ACLIM including Fisheries and the Environment (FATE), Stock Assessment Analytical Methods (SAAM) Science and Technology North Pacific Climate Regimes and Ecosystem Productivity, the Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Program (IEA), NOAA Research Transition Acceleration Program (RTAP), the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (ASFC), the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Additionally, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) provided support for Strategic Initiative for the Study of Climate Impacts on Marine Ecosystems (SI-CCME) workshops, which facilitated development of the ideas presented in this paper. The scientific views, opinions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views, opinions, or conclusions of NOAA, the Department of Commerce, ICES, or PICES.
