Fig 2.TIF (3.75 MB)

gish is required for high levels of Hh pathway activity and genetically interacts with gprk2.

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posted on 2016-06-09, 06:15 authored by Shuangxi Li, Shuang Li, Yuhong Han, Chao Tong, Bing Wang, Yongbin Chen, Jin Jiang

(A–J) Adult wings of the indicated genotypes. MS>SmoDN caused a fusion between veins 3 and 4 (A). MS>SmoDN wing carrying gishP clones exhibited an enhanced phenotype (C). Heterozygosity for gishDf (D) or gishΔ4 (E) but not gishP (B) enhanced the fused wing phenotype caused by MS>SmoDN. Overexpression of wild-type Gish (F) but not GishKD (G) or GishΔC (H) rescued the fused wing phenotype caused by MS>SmoDN in gish heterozygous background. Heterozygosity for gprk2Δ15 also enhanced the MS>SmoDN phenotype (I). gprk2Δ15 and gishΔ4 double heterozygosity enhanced the MS>SmoDN phenotype more dramatically than either gprk2Δ15 or gishΔ4 single heterozygosity (J compared with E and H). (K–N‴) Late third instar wild type wing discs (K, K', M, M') or wing discs carrying gishΔ4 mutant clones induced at 24–48 h after egg laying (AEL) (L–L‴, N–N'') were immunostained to show the expression of Ci (red), Gish (green), En (blue in K', L", L‴), or Smo (blue in M', N", N‴). gishΔ4 mutant cells abutting the A/P boundary (demarcated by dashed lines) exhibited reduced En and Smo staining (arrows in L", N").
