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Oikopleura dioica growth dynamics.

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posted on 2018-01-03, 18:38 authored by Jean-Marie Bouquet, Christofer Troedsson, Aliona Novac, Magnus Reeve, Anna K. Lechtenbörger, Wendy Massart, Katrine S. Skaar, Anne Aasjord, Sam Dupont, Eric M. Thompson

(A) Growth shown as a function of pH at low temperature (TL) (PA versus PL) and as a function of temperature (TL versus TH) under acidified treatment (PL). Growth was assessed by measuring body length. Boxplots show the median (thick horizontal black line), the lower and upper quartiles (box) and the whiskers (dashed lines) indicating maxima and minima, except when outliers were present (open circles), in which case whisker ends represent the 1.5-fold interquartile range. Means are denoted by filled circles. (B) Size variation was analyzed (ANOVA), including mesocosms (N = 2 per condition) as a random factor and a first-order autoregressive term to account for temporal autocorrelation due to repeated measurement. Polynomial regressions were fitted to the curves, with 2 degrees of polynomial in Days for pH and 3 degrees of polynomial in Days for temperature, defined as the number of spawning events observed for the respective pH and temperature analyses in (A). Significant values are indicated in bold in the respective tables (B). Treatment nomenclature: Temperature Low (TL); Temperature High (TH); pH ambient (PA) and pH Low (PL); replicate: 1 and: 2, as detailed in Fig 1.
