Fig 5.TIF (651.76 kB)

De novo cross-neutralization of BG505.T332N (clade A) induced by clade C trimers after priming with clade B trimers.

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posted on 2016-09-14, 04:30 authored by P. J. Klasse, Celia C. LaBranche, Thomas J. Ketas, Gabriel Ozorowski, Albert Cupo, Pavel Pugach, Rajesh P. Ringe, Michael Golabek, Marit J. van Gils, Miklos Guttman, Kelly K. Lee, Ian A. Wilson, Salvatore T. Butera, Andrew B. Ward, David C. Montefiori, Rogier W. Sanders, John P. Moore

BG505.T332N NAb titers at the indicated time points for the five animals in group 1, which received only clade B and C trimers are shown. Bars show arithmetic means + s.e.m. The NAb titers were compared with the cut-off value of 20 by the Wilcoxon signed rank test (see Results).
