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, and of a brain functional network.

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posted on 2010-01-08, 02:30 authored by Wei Liao, Zhiqiang Zhang, Zhengyong Pan, Dante Mantini, Jurong Ding, Xujun Duan, Cheng Luo, Guangming Lu, Huafu Chen

(A) indicates the absolute clustering coefficient scaled to an equivalent parameters of a population of random graph, (B) indicates the shortest absolute path length scaled to an equivalent parameters of a population of random graph and (C) indicates the small-world-ness of network for the mTLE patients (blue circles) and healthy controls (red dots) as a function for different functional coefficient threshold (). (D) , (E) and (F) for mTLE patients (blue circles) and healthy controls (red dots) as a function of different degree of node thresholds (). Black star markers indicate statistically significant differences between two groups (two-sample two-tailed t-test, , FDR corrected). Vertical bars indicate estimated standard errors.
