Fig_2.tif (915.82 kB)

Western blot analysis of WSSV ICP11 and VP28 in total lysates from shrimp pleopods (PL) collected from healthy (PBS) and WSSV-infected shrimp.

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posted on 2015-09-18, 03:31 authored by Bing-Hsien Liu, Yu-Chen Lin, Chia-Shin Ho, Che-Chuan Yang, Yun-Tsui Chang, Jui-Feng Chang, Chun-Yuan Li, Cheng-Shun Cheng, Jiun-Yan Huang, Yen-Fu Lee, Ming-Hung Hsu, Feng-Chun Lin, Hao-Ching Wang, Chu-Fang Lo, Shieh-Yueh Yang, Han-Ching Wang

After separation and transfer to PVDF membrane, samples were probed with (A) anti-ICP11 antibody or (B) anti-VP28 antibody. (C) To show the protein loading, the SDS-PAGE was stained with coomassie blue. M: Prestained Protein Ladder (10–170 kDa)
