Fig_2.tif (648.89 kB)

Visual predictive check (VPC) for isoniazid concentration versus time, stratified by NAT2 acetylator status (extensive and intermediate on the left, slow on the right).

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posted on 2015-10-26, 03:01 authored by Paolo Denti, Kidola Jeremiah, Emmanuel Chigutsa, Daniel Faurholt-Jepsen, George PrayGod, Nyagosya Range, Sandra Castel, Lubbe Wiesner, Christian Munch Hagen, Michael Christiansen, John Changalucha, Helen McIlleron, Henrik Friis, Aase Bengaard Andersen

The circles represent the original data, the dashed and solid lines are the 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles of the original data, while the shaded areas are the corresponding 95% confidence intervals for the same percentiles, as predicted by the model.
