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Using Wikipedia to fact-check statements.

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posted on 2015-06-17, 03:10 authored by Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, Prashant Shiralkar, Luis M. Rocha, Johan Bollen, Filippo Menczer, Alessandro Flammini

(a) To populate the knowledge graph with facts we use structured information contained in the ‘infoboxes’ of Wikipedia articles (in the figure, the infobox of the article about Barack Obama). (b) Using the Wikipedia Knowledge Graph, computing the truth value of a subject-predicate-object statement amounts to finding a path between subject and object entities. In the diagram we plot the shortest path returned by our method for the statement “Barack Obama is a muslim.” Numbers in parentheses indicate the degree of the nodes. The path traverses high-degree nodes representing generic entities, such as Canada, and is assigned a low truth value.
