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Transformation of M. polymorpha using pMpGWB vectors developed in this study.

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posted on 2015-09-25, 02:51 authored by Kimitsune Ishizaki, Ryuichi Nishihama, Minoru Ueda, Keisuke Inoue, Sakiko Ishida, Yoshiki Nishimura, Toshiharu Shikanai, Takayuki Kohchi

Sporelings co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain GV2260 containing the binary vector pMpGWB100 (A), pMpGWB200 (C), pMpGWB300 (E), pMpGWB400 (G), or no binary vector (B, D, F, and H) at 7 d after transfer onto selection medium containing 10 mg/l hygromycin (Hyg; A, B), 100 mg/l gentamicin (Gen; C, D), 0.5 μM chlorsulfuron (CS; E, F), or 5 mg/l G418 (G, H). Insets show magnified view of antibiotic/herbicide-resistant transformants. Bars = 1 mm.
