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The regional distribution of [125I]WYE-230949 uptake in rat brain sections.

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posted on 2014-12-26, 03:18 authored by David Y. Lewis, Sue Champion, David Wyper, Deborah Dewar, Sally Pimlott

Ex vivo autoradiograms show the distribution and regional levels of radioactivity in the tissue at 30 or 120 min after administration of [125I]WYE-230949. In vitro autoradiograms show total and non-specific binding following incubation with 5 nM [125I]WYE-230949 or 5 nM [125I]WYE-230949+5 µM iodophenpropit respectively. Note the relatively low level of binding in the cerebellum, the reference region used to calculate region of interest specific binding ratios presented in Table 1 with higher binding in the substantia nigra, nucleus accumbens, choroid plexus and pineal gland.
