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The predatory effect of lysate of C. vulgaris on C. vulgaris cultures.

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posted on 2014-03-05, 02:55 authored by Zhangran Chen, Xueqian Lei, Bangzhou Zhang, Luxi Yang, Huajun Zhang, Jingyan Zhang, Yi Li, Wei Zheng, Yun Tian, Jingwen Liu, Tianling Zheng

The cultures inoculated with f/2 served as control. All data were mean±1. SE (n = 3). (A). Inoculation of lysate of C.vulgaris with C. vulgaris under different volume ratio for about a week. (B). Inoculation of lysate with C. vulgaris under the ratio 1∶10 and the Chl a content was measured before addition of lysate and for 8 days thereafter.
