Fig_3.tif (1.78 MB)

The percentage of Treg (CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+), Th17 (CD4+IL-17+) cells in representative patients with ND, CR, relapsed-refractory AML patients or in controls.

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posted on 2015-07-02, 04:23 authored by Tian Tian, Shuang Yu, Lu Liu, Fuzhong Xue, Cunzhong Yuan, Min Wang, Chunyan Ji, Daoxin Ma

A. Lymphocytes were gated by flow cytometry. B. The percentage of CD4+ lymphocytes. C, D, E, F. The percentage of Treg (CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+) cells in AML patients and controls. H, I, J, K. The percentage of Th17 (CD4+IL-17+) cells in AML patients and controls.
