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The number of AXE photons emitted at different lasing transitions (a) and the AXE spectrum on the C 1s−1X transition as a function of the interaction length (b)

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posted on 2013-08-13, 00:00 authored by Victor Kimberg, Song Bin Zhang, Nina Rohringer

Figure 5. The number of AXE photons emitted at different lasing transitions (a) and the AXE spectrum on the C 1s−1X transition as a function of the interaction length (b). (c) Fluorescence (−− − −) and AXE (\full) spectra on the C 1s−1X (1), O 1s−1A (2) and O 1s−1B (3) transitions at the end of the medium at z = 5 mm. All simulations are done for an isotropic molecular ensemble, and for an XFEL pump pulse of duration 50 fs containing 3.6 × 1012 photons.


We theoretically demonstrate the feasibility of x-ray lasing in the CO molecule by the core ionization of the C K- and O K-shell by x-ray free-electron laser sources. Our numerical simulations are based on the solution of generalized Maxwell–Bloch equations, accounting for the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom. The amplified x-ray emission pulses have an extremely narrow linewidth of about 0.1 eV and a pulse duration shorter than 30 fs. We compare x-ray lasing transitions to the three lowest electronic states of singly ionized CO. The dependence of the lasing efficiency on the spectral width of the x-ray fluorescence band, value and orientation of the electronic transition dipole moment, lifetime of the core-excited state and the duration of the pump pulse is analysed. Using a pre-aligned molecular ensemble substantially increases the amplified emission. Moreover, by controlling the molecular alignment and thereby the alignment of the transition dipole moment polarization, the control of the emitted x-ray radiation is achievable. Preparing the initial vibrational quantum state, the x-ray emission frequency can be tuned within the fluorescence band. The present scheme is applicable to other diatomic systems, thereby extending the spectral range of coherent x-ray radiation sources based on stimulated x-ray emission on bound transitions.


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