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The detection of apoptosis using BimEL staining in primordial and growing follicles in endometriosis patients.

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posted on 2014-12-23, 02:55 authored by Yoshihiro J. Ono, Akiko Tanabe, Yoko Nakamura, Hikaru Yamamoto, Atsushi Hayashi, Tomohito Tanaka, Hiroshi Sasaki, Masami Hayashi, Yoshito Terai, Masahide Ohmichi

Representative examples of sequential immunohistochemical sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (b and e), anti-BimEL Abs (a, d, and g) and anti-FSH receptor Ab (c and f). The granulosa cells of each follicle were scored “negative” if there was absolutely no staining for BimEL, or if staining was present in only some granulosa cells. Follicles were scored “positive” if specific BimEL staining was present in almost all granulosa cells. The ratio of the number of follicles positively stained for BimEL to the total number of primordial and growing follicles was determined in six different fields in each specimen. At least total 100 follicles were counted in each patient. The specimens with a BimEL-positive rate higher than 20% was classified as the BimEL-positive group (panel B), and the specimens with staining of less than 20% of the specimen were classified as the BimEL-negative group (panel A).
