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The calcium channel blockers Diltiazem and Nifedipine have no effect on PTH changes in gene expression except for Keratocan.

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posted on 2015-05-05, 03:24 authored by Matthew Prideaux, Sarah L. Dallas, Ning Zhao, Erica D. Johnsrud, Patricia A. Veno, Dayong Guo, Yuji Mishina, Stephen E. Harris, Lynda F. Bonewald

(A) Real-time PCR analysis showing effects of Diltiazem on gene expression in mature IDG-SW3 cells. No effects on PTH changes in gene expression were observed (n = 3±SD, p<0.05 relative to control (a), PTH (b), DH (c) and PTH & DH (d)). (B) Effects of Nifedipine on gene expression. No effects of Nifedipine were observed on PTH induced gene expression except that Nifedipine inhibited PTH induction of Kera. (n = 3±SD, p<0.05 relative to control (a), PTH (b), NI (c) and PTH & NI (d)) Expression was normalized to Actb.
