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The accumulation and secretion of DIMBOA and MBOA in root under different maize plant distances.

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posted on 2014-12-31, 03:29 authored by Min Yang, Yu Zhang, Lei Qi, Xinyue Mei, Jingjing Liao, Xupo Ding, Weiping Deng, Limin Fan, Xiahong He, Jorge M. Vivanco, Chengyun Li, Youyong Zhu, Shusheng Zhu

(A) A schematic illustration of maize grown at three distances 5 cm×5 cm, 10 cm×10 cm, and 20 cm×20 cm; (B) Accumulation of DIMBOA and MBOA in roots and shoots of maize grown at the three distances. Data represents mean values in µg g−1 fresh weight (FW) from three replicated samples; (C) The content of DIMBOA and MBOA in maize rhizosphere soil. Different letters designate significant differences analyzed using Turkey Post-Hoc ANOVA (p<0.05; n = 3).
