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T-RFLP profiles of fecal samples from IL-10 KO and OPN/IL-10 DKO mice.

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posted on 2015-08-14, 02:56 authored by Takahiko Toyonaga, Hiroshi Nakase, Satoru Ueno, Minoru Matsuura, Takuya Yoshino, Yusuke Honzawa, Ayako Itou, Kazuyoshi Namba, Naoki Minami, Satoshi Yamada, Yorimitsu Koshikawa, Toshimitsu Uede, Tsutomu Chiba, Kazuichi Okazaki

Each value indicates the percentage of individual predicted bacteria to the total enteric bacteria. N = 6 for each group.

Values are expressed as mean ± SD.

*P<0.05 by non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test.

T-RFLP profiles of fecal samples from IL-10 KO and OPN/IL-10 DKO mice.
